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Amplipulse therapy

Amplipulse therapy is an electrotherapy method during which the patient is exposed to alternating modulated currents of low intensity. These currents combine currents of high and low frequency.

Amplipulse therapy uses alternating sinusoidal currents of 2000-10000 Hz frequency modulated by sinusoidal low-frequency oscillations (ranging 10-150 Hz). Unlike low-frequency currents having evident stimulating effect on neuromuscular and vascular systems, high-frequency current does not meet with skin resistance, penetrates deep into tissues, does not cause evident irritation of cutaneous receptors. It is well-tolerated by patients and has stimulating effects on tissues located deep. As a result of intensified outflow of metabolic products from the nidus, edema – one of the reasons causing pain - reduces. Pain termination contributes to the reduction of vasospasm, they expand, histotrophy improves.

Acting synchronously with standard natural vibrations of organism biological current arising in the process of brain, nerves and muscles activity (10-150 Hz) and increasing their effect by sinusoidal modulated currents, we thereby recover normal tissue and organ function. In order to reduce adaptation phenomena, increase the range of tissues involved in the excitation process and increase treatment efficiency, interchange of two different modulated frequencies is resorted. One of them remains constant – 150 Hz and the second one is adjusted in the range of 10-150 Hz, having separate length adjustment ranged 1-5 sec. Interchange of modulated vibrations and pauses, as well as modulated and non-modulated vibrations is also applied. Apparent analgesic effect, improvement of functional state of central and peripheral nervous system sections, improvement of peripheral blood circulation and tissue trophism having no irritation under electrodes determine main indications for sinusoidal modulated current application. They are prescribed for treating diseases accompanied by disturbance of peripheral circulation and functional state of neuromuscular apparatus, tissue trophism, chronic inflammatory process (radiculitis of different origin and course, including with apparent vegetovascular disorders, neuralgia, neuritis, plexitis, consequences from orthopedic trauma, tissue trophism abnormality, including bedsores at spinal affections, subacute and chronic gynecological diseases). Currents’ ability to provide motional stimulation allows to apply them for electric stimulation of cross-striated muscles, including stimulation of breathing, gastrointestinal tract function, ureteral peristalsis, etc. This method is widely applied to children due to absence of irritation and unpleasant sensations.

Indications for amplipulse therapy: peripheral nervous system traumas and diseases accompanied by reflexo-tonic and pain syndromes; diseases of vegetative section of nervous system accompanied by neurotrophic and vascular disorders; nervous system diseases accompanied by movement disorders in the form of central, peripheral and mixed paresis and paralysis; Degree I-II essential hypertension; ischemic heart disease; atherosclerotic obliteration of limb vessels; chronic lymphostasis; digestive diseases (chronic gastritis accompanied by secretory deficiency, gastric and duodenal ulcer in the phase of acute condition and incomplete remission, reflux esophagitis, hypotonic and hypokinetic disorders of bile-excreting tracts and gallbladder without stones, etc.); lipid exchange disorders of exogenous and constitutional character; pancreatic diabetes; respiratory diseases (prolonged exacerbation of chronic pneumonia, chronic bronchitis and bronchiectasis out of acute condition, bronchial asthma of light and medium-to-severe degree); atrophic arthritis with minimal and average degree of process activity, arthrosis, periarthritis; chronic inflammatory diseases of female genitals; male impotence of functional character; chronic prostatitis; cystalgia; children’s nocturnal enuresis; urolithiasis (purpose: expulsion of stones from urethra); inflammatory and dystrophic diseases of eye anterior and posterior sections. Taking into account sinusoidal modulated currents’ ability to penetrate tissues deeply, not causing unpleasant sensations and burns, amplipulse therapy is preferred (to diadynamic therapy) in pediatrics, when effecting mucous membranes.

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