ООО «КЛЭР» + 375 17 510-63-11 , + 375 17 510-63-23



Galvanization is medical treatment by direct electric current, having constant value, of low voltage (up to 80V) and low intensity (up to 50 mA). At present, only current received by rectification and smoothing of alternating public current is used for galvanization.

Passing through skin, galvanic current meets with great resistance by epidermis. Major part of current energy is spent on overcoming this resistance and right there, in the place of its major absorption, most significant galvanization reactions trend to develop. First of all, it is hyperemia and burning sensation accompanied by tingling under electrodes, resulting from the change of standard correlation of tissular ions, pH medium, heat production caused by the current. Along with that, discharge of biochemically active substances, activation of enzymes and metabolic processes cause intensified blood supply to the exposed area by reflex. Burning sensation and tingling increase to unbearable values upon increase of current intensity and exposure time, and chemical burns appear during long application of current.

Due to current distribution along tissues with good electroconductivity and very quick reduction of density deep in tissues, direct action of current reduces from the surface to the tissues located deeper. Galvanisation improves blood circulation and lymphokinesia, increases resorption ability of tissues, stimulates metabolic and trophic processes, increases secretory functions of glands, develops analgesic effect.

Galvanic current, especially applied to the hepatic area, increases action of coagulants and prolongs their presence in the organism by 2-4 hours. Potentiation effect remains for 4-6 hours after galvanization. Action of anticoagulants, first of all applied in small doses, against galvanization, on the contrary, reduces and develops later (after 30-120 min.). Galvanization also increases hypercoagulating effect of adrenalin, acetylcholine, thrombin and histamine. Galvanic current, applied by orbital and occipital method, prolongs and potentiates effect of psychotropic agents (haloperidol, seduxen, amizylum, sodium oxybutyrate, etc.), reduces the number and frequency of caused adverse reactions.

Doses of antisensitizers and immunosuppressants can be reduced during galvanization because galvanic current increases their action, favourably influences immunologic processes and general reactivity.

Indications for galvanization: diseases and lesions of different sections of peripheral nervous system of infectious, toxic and traumatic origin (radiculitis, plexitis, neuritis, neuralgia of different locality), consequences of diseases and lesions of brain, spinal cord, brain tunics, neuroticisms, vegetative and vascular disorders, chronic joint inflammations (arthritis) of traumatic, rheumatic and metabolic origin, etc.

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